Monday, January 18, 2010

Stop Haitian Apprehension in The Bahamas For Now

I support my government's decision to grant temporary status to Haitian detainees in The Bahamas and wonder at the inhumanity of those who are on the radio and in the papers criticizing this gesture. But I ask: If we are releasing the current detainees then why will "apprehension exercises" continue and "illegal Haitian migrants will be detained as normal under Bahamian law?" We release them and then continue to round them up too? I call on the government to stop apprehension exercises as well, in the name of the 50,000 people who died in the quake. I call on the government to also establish an amnesty period for all undocumented Haitians in the Bahamas to come forward so that they too can receive temporary status. And now that I think of it, why is it "temporary" status? Let them stay, let us have mercy, let love and mercy prevail.

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