Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Brother Running the Free World

American President Barack Obama was inaugurated minutes ago and Pyper and I shared the moment together with all the rest of the world. He spoke to us in conversational tones about the difficult times we are all now living in, his empathy was palpable, his truthfulness sobering. He reminded us that it is the way in which we respond in times of great trouble that defines the character of a people. I am thrilled to have witnessed his address, grateful for the blessed optimism his achievement is inspiring in us all. I will always remember that my baby daughter was at my breast when he took the oath and the new era began.


Anonymous said...

It made me wish I were an American, if just for a day.

Helen Klonaris said...

My dear friend, thank you for keeping the candles burning, for bringing new life into the world, for owning your own powerful voice, for keeping vigil as we enter the new era... indeed... the wheel is spinning: can you feel it?

Lynn Sweeting said...

Hi Liz, I'm glad for Americans, glad for all of us too!
btight blessings!
in hope.

Lynn Sweeting said...

Hi Helen, yes, I can feel the wheel turning, isn't it wonderful! so let it be and may none be harmed.
Thank you for your continued encouragement and inspiration dear sista.
Bright blessings!

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