Monday, March 16, 2009

International Women's Day on March 8

How could I have missed International Women's Day on March 8? I was with the baby, nursing, changing diapers, sleeping or trying to sleep, this is the nature of my personal womanish/feminist revolution at the moment. Its easy to forget what day it is, where the moon is, what my name is... Baby is Everything.

But it is not too late to pay tribute to the women of the world, so I do it now with this handfull of words. And since mothering is my focus now I'm writing especially to acknowledge mothers, and especially those who are most at risk globally, because of poverty, war and victimization, who against the odds

and keep their children alive

because being women they are so very strong, so very resourceful, so very imaginative and creative and visionary and revolutionary, because being women we know, this new age belongs to us, we know we are the co-creators of an emerging new world where the lives we live are honoured, respected and valued once more, and forever.

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