Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bloggers Unite for Human Rights

Today I'm happily joining Bloggers Unite and writing to promote human rights for all people of the world. I dedicate this poem to the cause, and to all women and children at risk especially, and offer it too in celebration of the global women's movement uprising everywhere in this new age, for the good of us all.

For the Power

i write for the power
that is, the authority
to shape
and color
and guide
my own life
my own name
my own meaning
and purpose
in this world
in this house
in this body
in this mind
that is a room
with an open door.

yes, that’s right,
I said power,
that is, the freedom
to choose
the road
the coastline
the interior
of blue holes
and old trees
the windy bluffs
and mangrove wastelands
of the country
of my story
my experience
that so many
have tried and failed
to poison.

this verse is
my liberation
into life
the tale
of me
my lucid dream
of being
as three nails,
as the mountain
I stand on,
power, I tell you,
or given away
like blood transfused
like breath
to the drowning woman
to the surface
one last time
in the writing
of one

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